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About Me

Good afternoon (yes, I know what time it is), sir or madam, and happy day. My name is Dennis Markham. I am 33 years old, and a graduate of the University of Texas Austin Coding Bootcamp. I also graduated with Certificate in Web Development from Norwalk Community College. I recieved a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology from the University of Connecticut. I currently teach at Coding With Kids and Varisty Tutors. I am looking for a job in web development, preferably front end.

I am particularly fluent in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React, but also have substantial experience in Angular, Node.js, MongoDB, SASS, Java, C++, Python, and MySQL albeit it is difficult to demonstrate my skills in many of these without a proper hosting platform, so I have resorted to using videos which can be downloaded on my downloads page or are linked in other projects. You may also be interested in my Git, which is where my more experimental work resides (this portfolio only shows the tip of the iceberg of my independent practice). Many of the projects not posted here still have a gh-pages branch, so you can even test them out! In the same vein, maybe checkout my Code Sand Box.

I'm aware some of these projects may look a little rough. I see every hour I get to sit down and a code as a precious learning opportunity, so I don't want to waste time with repetitive mundanity like replacing placeholder images and filler text. Each project is a "proof of concept" more than anything, showing what challenges I can tackle, and what coding concepts (React Routing, Regex, etc.) I understand.


Dennis E. Markham